Establishing a Non-Endowed Award

A Non-Endowed Scholarship Award can be used to provide a one-time or limited duration scholarship named in accordance with the donor’s wishes. This type of donation is well suited for those donors who wish to have a tangible, immediate impact on the education of a student, but don’t wish to establish an Endowed Fund. We sometimes refer to this type of scholarship award as an “In and Out” award; the donated funds literally come into BASAF and are paid out for the benefit of a student as part of the next academic year’s scholarship disbursements.

We request a minimum donation of $500 for a Non-Endowed Scholarship Award. All Non-Endowed Scholarship Awards are listed on our Non-Endowed Scholarship Awards page.  These listings are categorized according to the academic year to which the award applies and include a brief narrative about the honored individual or group, along with any appropriate photographs and images.